14 July 2017

Jesus Saved Me From Drowning at Sunway Lagoon | Childhood Testimony

My family and I went on a vacation to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, but I don't recall exactly how old I was at the time. It's remarkable how I can remember these details, just like my previous testimony about "bullying." I believe it must be part of God's plan for me to testify.

One day, we visited Sunway Lagoon, and as kids, we were filled with excitement. My parents were taking a break somewhere, and my siblings and I ventured off on our own to explore the pool park and find fun things to do. We didn't receive much parental supervision, perhaps because they thought we would be safe with many people and lifeguards around. 

I found myself in the kiddy pool, which wasn't very deep, just above my chest. I remember playing and having a great time until I decided to dive underwater. However, as I tried to swim back up, I became fearful and struggled. The floor was slippery, and I couldn't maintain my balance. I was on the verge of losing my breath when suddenly, I felt someone pulling me up. 

My memory ends there, and I don't recall what happened next, but I believe I continued to have fun without realizing the danger I had been in. As I grew up as a new born Christian recently, I was engaged in a prayer meeting with a friend and my husband. We were sharing our testimonies, and I recounted the story of someone pulling me out at Sunway Lagoon, though I couldn't remember who it was. My friend smiled and likened it to the story of Peter being at sea with Jesus.

To be honest, I was surprised and delighted when he made that connection. It made me realize that Jesus constantly seeks to draw closer to me spiritually, always being there for me. Reflecting on this memory now, I understand that we shouldn't let our faith waver. Despite our doubts clouding our minds, what brings me joy is that no matter how far we may sink into the depths, Jesus is always there to lift us up, even when our faith is small.

11 July 2017

My Daughter Has 2 Angelic Being Visiting Her & I Saw Them! | Mom Fears God

Luke 4:10 
For it is written, “He will command his angels concerning you, to guard you,’

Three years have passed since then, and I once wrote a Facebook post sharing how I saw two angels looking down at my daughter. Unfortunately, no one paid much attention to my post. Despite that, I didn't let it bother me because I know what I saw, and it remains a cherished moment in my memory.

That one day, after returning from the hospital, we were all exhausted. My husband and I went straight to bed after putting our daughter, Angel, to sleep. However, that particular night, for some unknown reason, I felt compelled to wake up, despite being incredibly tired.

Although I couldn't see their exact appearance, what I witnessed were two tall figures, emitting a golden, radiant light, standing together and gazing down at my daughter. The room was filled with a sense of pure joy. Despite my exhaustion, all I could do was smile before instantly falling back asleep.

The following morning, filled with immense happiness, I excitedly told my sleepy husband about seeing the angels. However, he brushed it off and asked me not to bother him. Undeterred, I eagerly shared my experience on Facebook, hoping others would understand the reality of God. Unfortunately, once again, my post went unnoticed. If only everyone could witness what I saw, they would truly comprehend the existence of God.

As a mother, I often experience stress and find myself being overly protective. I admit that I'm not a perfect mother, and sometimes I question if God truly listens to me. However, I cannot let those doubts consume me. I believe that these challenges are tests, and I acknowledge that I am alive today because of God's grace and protection.

Indeed, everything is part of God's plan. I appreciate and hope that others would pray for me as well, as prayers hold incredible power. Every day, I make an effort to pray for everyone around the world and my loved ones too. May God bless and watch over everyone!

01 July 2017

Why Did Jesus Had To Die On The Cross?

I use to be confused like everyone about why Jesus had to die on the Cross

John 3:16, 
“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” 
 John 1:26 
‘The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, "Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!

Seriously, it confuses me but praises the lord I somehow knew that he wants me to read The Old Testament when others say it has no importance but luckily I never listen to them and it’s regret for them not to read it because if we don’t read it then we don’t know God or what he is capable of, I only able to read Genesis until Leviticus and let me tell you that though I read parts of the Scriptures you somehow able to understand why God has to do what he does. What I see is that ‘The Old Testament’ is how we understand God and in ‘The New Testament’ we understand the Son of God which is Jesus.

So okay here is the Q&A.

"Why did God allow his Son to be a Sacrifice?”

Let’s go back to the Old Testament and this I believe is the reason. In Genesis, the way for God is to accept us and forgive our sins comes from Sacrifice. When Adam & Eve bore Abel & Cain, everything was of course happy at first. One day, the brothers decided to offer an offering for God. God accepted Abel’s offering and at the same time rejected Cain’s offering. There’s the reason for this because Abel gave the best Lamb he had while Cain gave not so much of the best crop for God.

So of course, let’s see it in another way. Like a Birthday Present, imagine it’s for someone dearly. Would you rather give something you know they really love or just give whatever that’s available and keep the good one to yourself? Of course, you give the best one because you want them to know how much you love them. That’s how we know if someone really cares for us. Let’s skip until Exodus, you guys should seriously feel lucky when you hear this because during Moses's time.

God instructed Moses to build ‘The Tabernacle’,

I was astounded how they manage to make this entire thing but thanked God for the gift of talent they manage to finish this movable Holy Temple. So the purpose of this was to connect God closer to his people and at the same time to make an offering for God to cleanse away their sins. 

Exodus 25:8  
" make a sanctuary for me, and I will dwell among them.”  
Exodus 29:45-46 
“Then I will dwell among the Israelites and be their God. They will know that I am the Lord their God, who brought them out of Egypt so that I might dwell among them.” 

You be surprised to know that although we know there are 10 commandments there are actually like 613 commandments, so those 10 are just the Top 10 rules. That’s why if they did commit one of the rules or a bunch of them, all they have to do was to come to the Tabernacle and offer a Living Sacrifice and God was being very precise on how he wants them to do it; like draining out their blood and put the blood on the horns of the Altar, cutting off the fats and throw into the fire, remove the blemishes because it was dirty and not right for the Lord or anyone by the way. That doesn’t end there he doesn’t want the same kind of animal but other different kinds of animal for different kinds of sins that you’ve committed.

So yeah, there’s a lot of procedure. It was tough back then to keep on killing animals just because of their sins and what’s even harder they have to do it personally to God and come to the Tabernacle. Don’t you think it’s easy for us right now? For our Generation, we should consider blessed because how we want our sins to be forgiven is just by kneeling in our room alone, ask and believe in Jesus. During Moses's time, they too have to pay for the Animals so they can offer a Sacrifice for God, but now Christ is paying for us by being the Sacrifice. He has no ‘Blemishes’ in other words ‘Sin’, his blood is precious to God so that also explains why so many have asked to be cleansed by the Blood of Jesus because it is so pure, so holy, and just clean.

Praise be to God he has paid for our ransom! And for God proof for his love for us all, he gave his only son, who also willingly being a sacrifice because he too loves the people in this world.

In conclusion, God knows we are lazy, God knows we are busy. God knows our hearts better than anyone else. He was upset that his people stop following him because it's too tiresome for them to keep doing offerings, so they were led astray to follow other paganism. But God has a plan, and that was to make his only son become the living sacrifice. So, his people can have an easy connection to God by just believing. No more slaughter of animals, no more offering but just offer themselves and repent in the name of Jesus. 

Don't worry about Jesus, he has the best reward yet for finishing his father's will. He has become our King. Seated beside the right hand of the father, looking out for us all in spirit, fighting against the forces that can't be seen in human eyes. I Love You, Jesus. Always and Forever.

Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. Only through him, you can get to God