11 July 2017

My Daughter Has 2 Angelic Being Visiting Her & I Saw Them! | Mom Fears God

Luke 4:10 
For it is written, “He will command his angels concerning you, to guard you,’

Three years have passed since then, and I once wrote a Facebook post sharing how I saw two angels looking down at my daughter. Unfortunately, no one paid much attention to my post. Despite that, I didn't let it bother me because I know what I saw, and it remains a cherished moment in my memory.

That one day, after returning from the hospital, we were all exhausted. My husband and I went straight to bed after putting our daughter, Angel, to sleep. However, that particular night, for some unknown reason, I felt compelled to wake up, despite being incredibly tired.

Although I couldn't see their exact appearance, what I witnessed were two tall figures, emitting a golden, radiant light, standing together and gazing down at my daughter. The room was filled with a sense of pure joy. Despite my exhaustion, all I could do was smile before instantly falling back asleep.

The following morning, filled with immense happiness, I excitedly told my sleepy husband about seeing the angels. However, he brushed it off and asked me not to bother him. Undeterred, I eagerly shared my experience on Facebook, hoping others would understand the reality of God. Unfortunately, once again, my post went unnoticed. If only everyone could witness what I saw, they would truly comprehend the existence of God.

As a mother, I often experience stress and find myself being overly protective. I admit that I'm not a perfect mother, and sometimes I question if God truly listens to me. However, I cannot let those doubts consume me. I believe that these challenges are tests, and I acknowledge that I am alive today because of God's grace and protection.

Indeed, everything is part of God's plan. I appreciate and hope that others would pray for me as well, as prayers hold incredible power. Every day, I make an effort to pray for everyone around the world and my loved ones too. May God bless and watch over everyone!