14 September 2017

I Heard Screams Of Hell Through Red Door | Mom Fears God

I had a peculiar dream that holds significant meaning, perhaps indicating what is to come in the future?

It started when a military group arrived and brought all the people from town to a newly constructed open hall. I didn't understand why I was there, but I could sense that something was not right. There was a feeling of fear, as if I knew that something was very wrong. Everyone seemed like zombies, lacking any emotions.

We were all standing in line, waiting to enter a specific door. I couldn't see clearly what was happening inside because it was completely dark. As I got closer to the door, I suddenly heard someone's ribs cracking, screams of terror, and horrifying, painful sounds. Strangely, others around me didn't seem bothered by it. Then, I noticed a person who managed to escape through a broken gap on the right side near the door. Fearing for my life, I decided to follow that person, but I realized I was still inside the military base.

I saw a familiar man, I think it was my cousin crying in anguish to me and said "I could hear people in torment!" and he ran. Then I saw one of the army man I then quickly hid myself under the chair full of emotionless zombie people. The man angrily stomping his boots and said “They have escape! We have to find them!!” it made me so scared that I wait until they leave until I could run.  The dream somehow keep changing and changing but only this certain scene I could still remember because of the terrifying screaming. It’s like listening the screams from Hell. If you asking me what it means, it’s already an obvious answer that there’s a lot of people who are still been brainwashed but not realize that what they are doing is leading them to somewhere they will very much regret.

Matthew 26:41   
Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.”

Seeing the military in my dream also means we can't trust the government. Only those who are not brainwashed would know about their evil plans, like implanting a chip in our hand, which is the Mark of the Beast, and trying to take over the world by disregarding God's laws. They promote things like homosexuality, abolish Christ's teachings because they are unacceptable to the world, support abortion, and much more. If you pay attention to the cruelty in this world, you will notice it.

Revelation 13:16-17
And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads, And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 

Satan is holding you hostage without your awareness. He uses earthly desires to control and distract you, preventing you from seeking Christ. You may constantly feel a sense of searching for something, but you find ways to keep yourself occupied, such as cleaning or gaming and anything to keep yourself busy so you won't be thinking of Christ.

If you still feel lost, it's because you need Jesus!