05 September 2017

I Saw My Friend's Face Dissolve into a Demonic Form | Mom Fears God

John 20:19
"Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed."

I'm actually quite envious of those who have unwavering faith in Jesus without the need for visions and dreams to transform them, but having faith alone doesn't mean we can trust every spirit that communicates with us.

I want to tell you about another dream I have, the dream was where I found myself in an empty white room with one of my friend. 

She was speaking to me in a normal manner, but something felt off about her presence. I then recalled the verse "Don't believe every spirit"

1 John 4:1 
"Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world."

 and so I said to her,


Suddenly, my friend's face started to dissolve into a demonic form, and it tried to attack me. 

However, I fought back using the Word of God. 

Then, something astonishing occurred—the wall behind the demon suddenly shattered, causing the demon to flee. 

On the other side of the wall, I saw an angel smiling at me, and I felt compelled to follow him through a beautifully radiant jungle.

The beautiful jungle has a narrow path.

I chased after the angel, eager to ask numerous questions about this world and about God. 

When I woke up, I felt a mix of happiness and sadness because I was so close to uncovering more answers about everything. 

This experience took place in 2012, and the memory remains vivid in my mind to this day.