30 June 2023

Christian Marriage is better than Islam Marriage | Mom Fears God

 1. You CAN'T have more than one wife. 
Matthew 19:4-6 
"he who created them from the beginning made them male and female and said,
‘Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’? 
So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate."
Unfortunately, there are still some religions and indigenous cultures that allow themselves to have multiple wives. Personally, I find it very disgusting because I believe the main reason men allow these rules to persist is due to lust. If you have the fear of God in you, you will fear committing sins and strive to be loyal by following the word of God. Fearing God means hating sin, and lust is one of those sins.

Matthew 5:28 
But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
1 Corinthians 6:18 
Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body.
I feel secure and happy knowing I don't have to worry or feel sad about my husband being intimate with someone else. In my opinion, men who desire multiple wives may be driven by lust instead of genuine love. Some religions give them a sense of higher authority to do as they please just because they are "men." 

In Christianity, Jesus loves all of us equally, knowing us before we were born. Being loyal to one person also means being loyal to one God.

 2. Marriage is arranged by God, not by Parents. 

Jeremiah 29:11
"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
I've heard about arranged marriages still happening today, where people sometimes marry their cousins or even children to older men. While you may show me statistics and low divorce rates in support of arranged marriages, what about those who don't want to be married because they're not ready? Who will speak for them?

In some cases, religion, culture, and tradition impose these marriages without considering what is truly best for the individuals involved. It becomes a selfish act that prioritizes the desires of the parents or society over the well-being and readiness of their children.

Mark 7:8
"You have let go of the commands of God and are holding on to human traditions."
However, in Christianity, we believe that when two God-fearing individuals were meant to be together will come together unexpectedly but only in God's timing.

I recall meeting my husband when we were younger, but we never spoke. It was only after 10 years that we started talking and being together. Although the timing seemed longer, we believe it was God's perfect timing. We sometimes wish we had been together sooner and avoided our past mistakes, but we trust that God's timing is always right.

Perhaps the reason it took us so long is that we needed time to grow and mature individually, mostly from me than him as I'm 3 years older than him. Now that we're together, we can learn from our past mistakes and improve ourselves by being together.

One of the most romantic things my husband did was asking a pastor to bless us. It made me feel like we were married, even without a fancy dress or an expensive ring. But because I love God, I don't care about earthly materialism or trendy things. What matters most to me is that God is with me, and He gave me this precious moment because He loves me.

and I do what I can to please him. I love you Jesus.

3. God Hate Divorce & Remarry (Only until Death)

Matthew 19:6
"So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore, what God has joined together, let no one separate."
Many people in the world resort to divorce as an escape from the pressures they face. However, in doing so, they break their own vows. Please understand that I'm not suggesting you should remain in an abusive relationship or an arranged marriage.

Divorce can be granted in certain situations, but it's important to note that remarriage is discouraged. That's why I encourage people to think carefully before entering into marriage. A true man of God will treat you with respect and prioritize his relationship with God. The reason relationships fail is often due to the division sowed by Satan.

Depression, jealousy, and other challenges will inevitably test you, but having a mature understanding of God's word can strengthen your marriage. Remember, with God at the center, you can overcome any difficulties you may face.

Matthew 4:4
 For we do not live by bread alone, but with the word of God.
This is what Jesus said when he was tested by Satan. It's important to remember that what you're feeling is just a feeling. Your eyes haven't seen the truth, but your mind has created its own false narrative.

Be cautious of this kind of thinking, whether it's in marriage or any aspect of life. We may speak ill of others without truly understanding them first.

My mom has bipolar disorder, and she often displays negative behaviors like gossiping and cursing. However, if you observe her in moments of solitude, you'll see her crying and wondering what's wrong with her.

While she still exhibits the same patterns from time to time, we must remember that behind someone's rampage and destruction, there's a vulnerable child crying. I'm sure you understand how that feels, which is why I believe we shouldn't rush to judge until we comprehend what others have been through.

Everyone has their own struggles, including us. Only Jesus can wipe away our tears and truly know our hearts. You may feel a sudden warm embrace and an overwhelming urge to cry even more.

Just remember, He loves you and is there with you.