24 September 2017

Another Demonic Encounter & 2 Dead Pigeon | Mom Fears God

I want to continue writing about what I promised in my last post. I couldn't find the time to do it earlier due to my busy schedule as a mom and some unresolved financial issues. 

Nevertheless, the nightmare didn't stop there; it was only the beginning.

Before, I did try to share my concerns with my friends and family through facebook. However, they all provided the same answer which was "go to Church". All of them are Catholics and they don't know that the problem was the Catholic Church and my dream that I had was a warning about it.

Whatever speak through them, I knew it wasn't from God.

1 John 4:1  
Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.

The voices I heard back then were crystal clear. When I asked myself, "What should I do?" they responded with, "Read the Bible" and "The Bible is the Truth." As I heard those words in my mind, an indescribable pain suddenly penetrate through my heart, like I'm having a heart attack. I knew deep down that it was an attempt by the devil to stop me from discovering the truth. 

However, I remained steadfast, understanding that the only way to overcome these challenges was by following God. Having watched countless movies where good triumphs over evil, I held onto the belief that God is inherently good. With determination, I left my condo in Petaling Jaya and set out to find the nearest Christian shop.

Luckily, there was a nearby Christian shop. Despite feeling scared, I pushed through, knowing that fear came from the Devil. Stepping inside, I instantly felt lighter and relieved. The shop became my happy place, filled with Christ-centered items that brought me joy. I bought a Bible, something I had never done before, and a cute cross for my room. Returning to my room, I hesitated to open the Bible as negative thoughts swirled in my mind. I also felt a heavy force on my arm, as if something was preventing me from opening it.

Obviously, it's the demon again trying to stop me, telling me how I will surely regret reading it. Yet, the Holy Spirit continues to insist, urging me to "Read the Bible." So, I gather my courage and dive into its pages. As I read, the initial fear dissipates, replaced by surprise. Throughout the years, I never enjoyed reading the Bible, assuming that the Catholic Church had already provided a comprehensive summary. But now, I realize that the whole truth was kept hidden from us. They concealed the truth! I also remember pausing at a chapter, contemplating the depths of God's love for sinners. This Bible, these words, they are meant for us—those seeking answers, a way out of evil. It has been here all along, waiting to be uncovered.

2 Timothy 3:16  
All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right.

I was overwhelmed with excitement, craving for more answers as I delved deeper into the truth.

Matthew 5:6 
God blesses those who hunger and thirst for justice, for they will be satisfied.

As it was almost night time, the fear of the night scares me the most that I had to sleep with the lights on for days. Nothing seems to be happening and I was actually hoping it stays that way but it didn’t. I felt like the devil was taunting me, trying to wait to ambush me when I’m not prepared.

1 Peter 5:8 
Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.

The upcoming night filled me with fear, so I kept the lights on while sleeping for many nights. Sadly, my hope for peace was shattered. It felt like the devil was mocking and waiting to attack when I least expected it.

I really couldn't remember everything that happened back in 2011 that made me completely change my life forever. However, there was that one night when I thought it was all over, but I was wrong. They do whatever they can to attack you when you're at your most vulnerable, so don't think they will stop. The only way to be prepared is to be alert at all times!

When I was sleeping, I dreamt that I was inside my room, but it felt as if I was in another dimension or possibly within a spiritual realm. Everything was grey in colour, with fog everywhere, and that's all I could remember.

In front of me, I met a demon who somehow looked like me but uglier, similar to how you see the demon from "The Ring." She had a furious expression as she stared at me. Not only that, but behind her, I could see another demon, resembling a man. Somehow, I knew why she was angry—it was because I had chosen Christ.

Suddenly, she strangled me, but I didn't feel any choking feeling because her hands were so weak. I don't know what came over me but I did the most unthinkable which was strangling her back and spoke the word of God directly towards her face, reciting the prayer "Our Father." Then I woke up. Perhaps they couldn't tolerate me any longer.

After waking up, I told myself, "Not again" (yes, you will always have another encounter with demons; this was just one of them). I always wondered why, after a nightmare, I would wake up around 3 to 4 am in the morning. Sometimes, this wouldn't just happen in dreams but in reality as well.

I noticed birds fighting outside my window, but I didn't pay much attention to it initially, thinking they were simply asserting their territorial dominance or something. In my room, there's a small balcony designated only for an air-conditioner, which I don't actually have. My room is the only one with a window that provides access to the balcony.

It was only when my housemate knocked on my door and asked about a foul smell emanating from the bathroom (which was right next to mine) that I discovered there was a dead bird on the balcony. They only noticed it when they tried to open the bathroom's window.

The smell was disgusting, like a dead body! It was so rotten that it made me want to throw up. My housemate, who was also my friend, went into my room to check through the window. We were both shocked by what we discovered! The floor was covered in feathers, blood, and there were two dead birds. It reminded me of a horror movie I used to watch, where something like this was seen as a sign from the devil. It made me feel paranoid, and I wish I didn't because-

Matthew 10:28 
Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell.

I realized how foolish it was for me to fear something that itself fears God! Reflecting on my limited knowledge of the Bible and how close I came to being deceived by these evil spirits, I vow to never be fooled again. I am a Child of God, and the Bible is my sword that I will never let go of! Even if I stumble, I will rise up and fight once more!

By the way, for those who believe that our departed loved ones are still present with us, don't believe it! Those are demons who mimic their appearance, speech, and knowledge. I have encountered such a deception myself, and it has made me aware that demons can disguise themselves as our loved ones. Keep this verse in mind

2 Corinthians 11:14 
And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.

18 September 2017

God Found My Husband's Missing Wallet | Mom Fears God

This testimony is about the belief that when you have strong faith, God makes things happen. I am very excited because today, during my usual prayer, I suddenly felt overwhelming joy! This reminded me of a time when my husband's wallet was lost while he was waiting for me at the airport. It was an unforgettable day because it was the first time we were finally seeing each other.

At that time, he was still my boyfriend, and we both had a deep love for God, believing that He had brought us together. In fact, it was my husband who first found me on Facebook early 2012. We hadn't seen each other since 2007, when we last crossed paths at Centre Point Shopping Mall. He tapped me on the shoulder, asked me a question, and when I answered, I left without saying goodbye. It wasn't because of him, but because I was dealing with personal difficulties and had distanced myself from everyone. As you can see, he was actually a part of my childhood. Fast forward to 2012, he found me again through my ex online, and after a lot of conversation and catching up, he confessed his feelings to me, and that's how we got together.

Now, let me tell you how God revealed Himself during this incident. When I was in the departure hall in Kuala Lumpur, my husband (who was still my boyfriend back then) called me and told me that his wallet had gone missing. I told him not to panic and advised him to pray to God, believing that He would help us find it.

Matthew 21:22
And whatever you ask in Prayer, you will Receive, if you have Faith.

Back then, I didn't have much knowledge about the scriptures; it was as if I was living by faith without fully understanding. So, I prayed wholeheartedly for my husband, believing that God would help us find his wallet. After the two-hour plane journey to Kota Kinabalu, I called him to let him know I had arrived. Praise God, he told me that he found his wallet! A kind Samaritan had discovered it and contacted his uncle (as there was a list of contacts inside the wallet). His uncle came and returned it to my husband.

This experience serves as proof that prayer is the most powerful tool we need for everything!

14 September 2017

I Heard Screams Of Hell Through Red Door | Mom Fears God

I had a peculiar dream that holds significant meaning, perhaps indicating what is to come in the future?

It started when a military group arrived and brought all the people from town to a newly constructed open hall. I didn't understand why I was there, but I could sense that something was not right. There was a feeling of fear, as if I knew that something was very wrong. Everyone seemed like zombies, lacking any emotions.

We were all standing in line, waiting to enter a specific door. I couldn't see clearly what was happening inside because it was completely dark. As I got closer to the door, I suddenly heard someone's ribs cracking, screams of terror, and horrifying, painful sounds. Strangely, others around me didn't seem bothered by it. Then, I noticed a person who managed to escape through a broken gap on the right side near the door. Fearing for my life, I decided to follow that person, but I realized I was still inside the military base.

I saw a familiar man, I think it was my cousin crying in anguish to me and said "I could hear people in torment!" and he ran. Then I saw one of the army man I then quickly hid myself under the chair full of emotionless zombie people. The man angrily stomping his boots and said “They have escape! We have to find them!!” it made me so scared that I wait until they leave until I could run.  The dream somehow keep changing and changing but only this certain scene I could still remember because of the terrifying screaming. It’s like listening the screams from Hell. If you asking me what it means, it’s already an obvious answer that there’s a lot of people who are still been brainwashed but not realize that what they are doing is leading them to somewhere they will very much regret.

Matthew 26:41   
Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.”

Seeing the military in my dream also means we can't trust the government. Only those who are not brainwashed would know about their evil plans, like implanting a chip in our hand, which is the Mark of the Beast, and trying to take over the world by disregarding God's laws. They promote things like homosexuality, abolish Christ's teachings because they are unacceptable to the world, support abortion, and much more. If you pay attention to the cruelty in this world, you will notice it.

Revelation 13:16-17
And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads, And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 

Satan is holding you hostage without your awareness. He uses earthly desires to control and distract you, preventing you from seeking Christ. You may constantly feel a sense of searching for something, but you find ways to keep yourself occupied, such as cleaning or gaming and anything to keep yourself busy so you won't be thinking of Christ.

If you still feel lost, it's because you need Jesus! 

05 September 2017

I Saw My Friend's Face Dissolve into a Demonic Form | Mom Fears God

John 20:19
"Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed."

I'm actually quite envious of those who have unwavering faith in Jesus without the need for visions and dreams to transform them, but having faith alone doesn't mean we can trust every spirit that communicates with us.

I want to tell you about another dream I have, the dream was where I found myself in an empty white room with one of my friend. 

She was speaking to me in a normal manner, but something felt off about her presence. I then recalled the verse "Don't believe every spirit"

1 John 4:1 
"Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world."

 and so I said to her,


Suddenly, my friend's face started to dissolve into a demonic form, and it tried to attack me. 

However, I fought back using the Word of God. 

Then, something astonishing occurred—the wall behind the demon suddenly shattered, causing the demon to flee. 

On the other side of the wall, I saw an angel smiling at me, and I felt compelled to follow him through a beautifully radiant jungle.

The beautiful jungle has a narrow path.

I chased after the angel, eager to ask numerous questions about this world and about God. 

When I woke up, I felt a mix of happiness and sadness because I was so close to uncovering more answers about everything. 

This experience took place in 2012, and the memory remains vivid in my mind to this day.